"Justice is the foundation of morality." — John Locke
"Laws are not made to order for justice; justice comes first." — John Adams
法律的存在是为了确保正义的实现,但法律本身并不能自动带来正义。John Adams的这句话揭示了正义与法律之间的微妙关系,即法律只是手段,而非终极目标。真正的正义需要人们内心的觉醒和社会制度的完善,才能从根本上解决不公问题。 第三要点:正义是一种选择"The question is not whether to do what's right or wrong, but whether to do it right or wrong.” — Aristotle
正义不仅仅是一种行为准则,更是一种选择。正如Aristotle所言,我们面临的不仅是是否做出正确或错误的决定,而是如何在正确的时间内作出正确的选择,这要求我们在面对诱惑和困难时,坚持正义的原则。 第四要点:正义需要社会的共同维护"The true measure of a society is how well it treats its most vulnerable members." — Mahatma Gandhi
正义是一个社会系统的整体状态,它体现在如何对待社会中最脆弱的成员上。Gandhi的这句话告诉我们,社会的每一个成员都应该享有公平和尊重,而这种理念需要整个社会的共同维护和推动。只有每个人都意识到并实践正义,社会才能真正进步。 第五要点:正义需要不断的追求和改进"The pursuit of justice is not an end in itself; it is a means towards a higher end. The highest end is that we shall all be free and independent." — Martin Luther King Jr.
正义的追求不是目的,而是通向更高理想的途径。Martin Luther King Jr. 的这番话体现了正义的最高境界,即自由和独立的理想。正义的追求应该始终围绕着这个目标展开,不断地寻找更好的解决方案来满足人类的基本需求。 文章大纲:关于正义的英文名言1.正义是道德的基础 - John Locke: "Justice is the foundation of morality." - John Adams: "Laws are not made to order for justice; justice comes first."
2.正义需要法律的保障 - John Adams: "Laws are not made to order for justice; justice comes first."
3.正义是一种选择 - Aristotle: "The question is not whether to do what's right or wrong, but whether to do it right or wrong."
4.正义需要社会的共同维护 - Mahatma Gandhi: "The true measure of a society is how well it treats its most vulnerable members."
5.正义需要不断的追求和改进 - Martin Luther King Jr.: "The pursuit of justice is not an end in itself; it is a means towards a higher end. The highest end is that we shall all be free and independent."
2025-02-15 03:12:01